About MAST

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Who are we?
The Mississippi Association for Spatial Technologies (MAST) has 100+ participants and averages between 20-30 at our meetings. MAST welcomes all to take advantage of this opportunity to meet and network with people in the GIS & RS related fields.

What types of people participate?
Software developers, treatment environmental technicians & managers, order economic developers, pharmacy facility managers, oceanographers, city & county planners, tax mappers, 911 Coordinators, GIS specialists and more.

Why do we meet?
To open communications within our community of spatial information identifying what is being used, how it is being used, how we can help each other use it, and benefit from each other by sharing our experiences.

When do we meet?
We have met the first Friday of every even month. A motion was passed at the Friday 1 August 2014 meeting to change meeting days to the second Friday of every even month.

What happens at these meetings?
We eat lunch together, and we often have guest speakers that present projects they have worked on to show how GIS is being used in our state and to open an opportunity to learn how it may be used in our workplaces. And, of course, we network with each other so we can stay up-to-date with the GIS efforts in the state of Mississippi.

Where do we meet?
We will announce meeting location at least one week in advance. We rotate locations as much as possible from coastal locations and central locations, such as Hattiesburg and Jackson.